by Michael K. Hirschorne | Sep 16, 2014
What if “death” was really a birth and birth was really a death?
What if we suddenly realized that we were not human beings having fleeting moments of spirituality, but spirits having a human experience?
What if we could live our lives more from the perspective of the soul, and less from the perspective of the ego?
What if we knew that we had the ability to create whatever reality we chose, through nothing more than our thoughts and words combined with our feelings?
What if we discovered that we are all individual expressions of God, and truly understood that humanity and everything which comprises the universe is part of a divine matrix.
What if we knew that the Law of Attraction really was a universal law, and that whatever we were “feeling” about ourselves or others was returned to us in kind.
What would the world look like…… then?
If for anything else it gives one reason to pause.
by Michael K. Hirschorne | Jul 1, 2014
It’s no longer about how we pray to or what we call God; It’s about connecting to a universal intelligence greater than the sum of its parts.
It’s no longer about who has the bigger hammer, but who has the bigger plowshare.
It’s no longer about competition and striving to get ahead at all cost; it’s about neighbor helping neighbor, without judgement.
It’s no longer about polluting our bodies with genetically modified food, chemicals and drugs; it’s about acknowledging that the body is the temporary temple of our soul, and can heal itself through itself.
It’s no longer about believing in the false concept of separation from God, but knowing with a calm certainty that you are no less a part of God than anyone or anything else.
It’s no longer about the matriarchy or the patriarchy, it’s about oneness.
It’s no longer about anger, fear and doubt, but about coming to know that you have the power to be the cause and never the effect.
It’s no longer about reacting with your ego to everything you perceive to be a threat, but about realizing that the essence of who you truly are cannot be hurt or damaged in any way.
Move effortlessly down your path with humility in your heart, but with fire and confidence in your step; for you are nothing less than a child of God.
by Michael K. Hirschorne | Mar 11, 2013
See the dream or goal in your minds eye.
Never give up.
Feel the dream or goal as if it has already happened.
Never give up.
Expect the dream or goal to be your reality.
Know this with certainty.
Never give up.
Anything and everything that exists was first nothing more than a thought….a fleeting moment in time.
Be the cause.
by Michael K. Hirschorne | Nov 13, 2012
We have two eyes, yet appear to see the world with one image.
Our brain, although separate unto itself, is only a part of the mind – which is present in every cell of the body.
Each of our organs performs specific functions, yet seamlessly and miraculously works in unison with each other 24 hours a day.
The mind, body and spirit triume exists unto itself, yet at the same time is a part of the eternal and infinite matrix of the All of everything.
by Michael K. Hirschorne | Sep 28, 2012
Choose faith over fear.
Choose certainty over doubt.
Choose health over illness.
Choose to see beauty-even in the most morose of circumstances.
Choose optimism when the world appears chaotic.
Choose charity over selfish pursuits.
Choose peace of mind over anything which would give cause to negate it.
Choose proactivity over reactivity.
Choose to let go of that which no longer serves you.
Choose to know with conviction that through divine grace you were, are and always will be the master of your domain.