by Michael K. Hirschorne | Aug 20, 2012
Do not curse the darkness, but bless the light.
Do not dwell on illness, but be thankful for good health.
Do not fear challenge, but see it as an opportunity to strengthen faith.
Do not waste precious time contemplating lack, but feel gratitude for what you have and what you are about to receive.
Live every day with intent, and be grateful for the opportunity to make this world a better place to live.
by Michael K. Hirschorne | Aug 20, 2012
Yesterday has turned to dust.
Tomorrow is but a vision.
Give to this day, this (present) from God your strength, your will and even your essence.
For it is today, and only today that you can experience the only reality that there can be.
Walk with the awareness that life does not have to “happen to you” unless you choose this to be so.
When you have the option of reacting to the pain, the chaos or the unforeseen circumstance know that this is nothing more than an opportunity; an opportunity to rise above your condition.
It is a chance encounter to change your destiny whether you are consciously aware of it or not.
Decide this very day that you are in and always have been in control of what occurs in your life.
See the “garbage” not as a curse, but as a blessing – a blessing that will allow you to see what it is that you need to do in order to transcend it.
Live every day with the knowledge that this power is not something outside of yourself, but is in fact part of you.
It has always been there waiting for you to acknowledge it.
Be thankful therefore for EVERYTHING that you have and everything that you are about to receive.
Choose to be happy.
by Michael K. Hirschorne | Aug 20, 2012
You can either flow with the currents of life or swim against them…..the choice is and will remain forever yours.
Everyone has the option of choosing happiness and gratitude on a daily basis, or… discontentment, depression and resentfulness.
You can choose to have desire(s) for the self alone, or commit to receiving so that others in need may share your bounty.
We can live comfortably with our “garbage” in the world of the familiar, or decide to see it for what it truly is: a blessing that allows us to see what needs to be transformed. This can be achieved by going outside of our comfort zone.
All of us can choose to be the commander of our own ship; for it is US and only us that create our realities. Everything that has ever come to be or will ever come to be is manifested through nothing more than thought.
If you expect (with certainty) that miracles will occur, then they have no choice; for the universe will give back what you expect from it.
Realize that beyond the 1% world of illusion (in which we live) lies the 99% world of what truly is. When we come to know this concept, life will take on new meaning, and the consciousness of humankind will transform.
by Michael K. Hirschorne | Aug 20, 2012
Whether there is conscious awareness of it or not, every human on the planet is engaged in an ascension up the mountain; not a physical one to be sure, but a metaphysical one -proportional in scale to one’s concept of how they believe things “should be”. This concept is relative to our set of core beliefs, religion (or lack thereof), education, morals and values.
Every single decision we make, and even more so every conscious or subconscious thought that we have is based upon these parameters. This being the case, the “climb” is different for each one of us. For some it’s a few steps up a 15 degree angle, and for others it may be a rigorous climb up Mt. Everest. Yet we are (forever) moving forward; evolving and growing-at our own pace, but nevertheless, growing all the same.
You cannot lose at this game called life if you tried, for all paths ultimately lead to the same place. It is therefore important to remember that on your ascent up the mountain, that one not lose track of why they started this magnificent journey in the first place. For when the summit appears in your line of sight, you’ll notice upon closer inspection that it was just an illusion; and come to realize that it was never really about the ascent to the top at all but about the journey.
by Michael K. Hirschorne | Aug 20, 2012
It can be said that we are either born great or have greatness thrust upon us.
I choose to create my own path; it is a path that requires that we not sit idly by wishing and praying for a “lucky break”.
This path calls out to us to (as the late James Dean once said) “dream as if we’ll live forever, but live as if we’ll die tomorrow.”
See greatness on the horizon and embrace it as though it were required to breathe; do not wait for it to come to you.
Hold fast to your dream with the knowledge that nothing and no one can stop you from achieving it, save your own doubts and fears.
If there is one immutable truth in this world it is this……..every human being has the power to create whatever reality we choose to create.
Every person’s reality is simply a matter of what we choose to “invite in”; if we don’t invite it, it cannot be made manifest………it’s really that simple.
When one decides after looking long and hard enough for this power, they will find it.