Do you feel overwhelmed at times? Frustrated with how things are going in your life; possibly even(with what’s been going on in the world lately) feeling a bit of trepidation and anxiety about the future? I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all felt that way at one time or another. That in fact is what inspired me to create Heaven is Within. I have been working on this site for quite some time now, with one thing in mind; to help people to “see” that the reality they are experiencing is being viewed through a lens. It just happens to be THEIR lens, and the interesting part is that the reality never changes-the LENS does.
Today my friends, is the first day of the rest of your life. Welcome to the journey!
I have an interesting, and possibly even shocking bit of news; we are living under the “illusion” of separation. We believe we are separate from the animals, the trees and the vegetation, and most of all each other. That however would be inaccurate- from not only a spiritual perspective, but from a scientific one. If matter is made of atoms, and atoms of varying frequencies of energy, then we and everything else in the universe are ultimately………energy. Energy however can neither be created nor destroyed, but only transformed; it’s boundaryless and ever-changing. Maybe it’s time we change our lens?