
Nourishment for the body, mind, and spirit

What if … ?

Michael K. Hirshorne

Written By Michael K. Hirschorne

After 23 years as an accountant in the telecommunications industry, Michael K. Hirshorne made a course-correct change to pursue his passion for writing. He felt compelled to explore the inner depths of human consciousness through meditation, nature, traveling, and the power of the written word. His journey has taken him far and wide as he pursues the highest level of self-actualization. Michael's dream is to help readers turn the vision for their lives into reality, as well as to help them keep advancing on their own spiritual paths.

September 16, 2014

What if … ?

What if “death” was really a birth and birth was really a death?

What if we suddenly realized that we were not human beings having fleeting moments of spirituality, but spirits having a human experience?

What if we could live our lives more from the perspective of the soul, and less from the perspective of the ego?

What if we knew that we had the ability to create whatever reality we chose, through nothing more than our thoughts and words combined with our feelings?

What if we discovered that we are all individual expressions of God, and truly understood that humanity and everything which comprises the universe is part of a divine matrix.

What if we knew that the Law of Attraction really was a universal law, and that whatever we were “feeling” about ourselves or others was returned to us in kind.

What would the world look like…… then?

If for anything else it gives one reason to pause.

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